Guam is a Pacific Island territory of the United States with an American way of life with a strong Pacific Island flavor. Nearly all residents are United States citizens to the same degree as stateside United States citizens. English is the official language and the language of instruction, government, business and most social life. However, Guam is a highly multi-cultural and multi-lingual island. Nearly all students have a second language and should be considered for disadvantaged, national minority status as Pacific Islanders.
Accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and Western Catholic Education Association (WCEA), Father Dueñas Memorial School is a private, Catholic college preparatory high school for boys that was founded in 1948 as a minor seminary. Our alumni are successful leaders and pillars in the religious, business, and civic spheres of our community as they return to the island to serve as clergymen, legislators, judges, doctors, engineers, business men, lifelong educators,
and family men. All students pursue the most rigorous track of courses—a college preparatory curriculum whose courses are considered honors. Entrance is based upon a competitive examination. Retention is conditional upon acceptable academic and deportment standards. School population averages 400 students, 9 – 12. Our CEEB code is 525080.
Over 90 per cent of graduates go on to attend 4-year colleges. One senior was a finalist in the National Merit Scholarship Competition.
Honor designation is not given to any class since all classes are the highest caliber possible. There is only one curriculum track—a college preparatory program requiring at least four years of solid academic courses in English, math, science, social studies, and theology. The world language requirement is at least 2 years. Twenty-eight credits are required for graduation. See transcript for courses and grading system.
Most difficult among our local schools, our current grading scale is A=93-above, B=85-92, C=77-84, D=70-76, F= 69 and below. All subjects are included in the unweighted grade point average and rank in class. Computation of final rank and grade point average starts with the sophomore year and ends with the completion of the senior year. Our transcript shows work done at this school only. The highest possible GPA is 4.00. GPA and RIC are based upon work done only at this school.
Avice Perez
Father Dueñas Memorial School-525080
TEL:(671) 734-2261/3, FAX:(671) 734-5738